Jobs for September
Posted: Sunday 17th September 2023

General gardening jobs:
• In the greenhouse: continue to open the door/ windows on any warm days and spray the floor with water to ensure a damp atmosphere to deter whitefly. Continue feeding Tomatoes Peppers, Chillies and Melons with Tomato feed – always follow the instructions on the bottle. Too much fertiliser is bad for the plants! Remove leaves from the Tomatoes plants to allow the air to circulate and the fruit to ripen.
• If colder weather is forecast in the next few weeks consider lifting tender plants e.g. Geraniums/ Osteospermums – and place in pot in greenhouse/ somewhere cool but well-lit indoors.
• Continue to dead head bedding plants regularly to keep them flowering.
• Continue to keep on top of the weeding in the borders by hoeing/ hand weeding and continue to watch for pest damage and disease.
• After the recent dry spell lit the height of the blades on your mower to give the grass a chance to recover/ grow
• You can now scarify your grass (if the ground don’t be too vigorous raking out dead grass!) and treat with an autumn lawn feed.
• Continue to water pots/ hanging basket, veg and anything recently planted in the borders when the compost/ soil is dry.
• Give hedges a trim now to ensure they look good during the winter months. Watch out for any birds that have nested late because of the warm summer.
• Take photographs of your borders to see what’s in flower and for a chance to look at what grew well and how to improve it next year.
• Buy autumn flower plants and bulbs for pots and borders. Don’t plant tulips until early November to avoid Tulip blight.
Veg Plot
• Sow Green manure on any bare soil (this can be dug in next year)
• Start harvest Leeks, continue to harvest Tomatoes (also remove leaves to encourage ripening).
• Continue to water Runner/ French beans and pick regularly
• Harvest apples and go Brambling!