Jobs for May
Posted: Monday 15th May 2023
In the greenhouse
• In the greenhouse: continue to sow quick growing annuals like Alyssum and French / African Marigolds. Start to move bedding plants to the colder parts of the greenhouse and, when the weather improves, move to cold frames to harden plants off.
• Pot on tomatoes/ Peppers.
• Open the door/ windows on hot days and spray the floor with water to ensure a damp atmosphere that will deter whitefly. Remember to close both at night as the nights can still be cold! (Also watch for frosts and protect plants overnight!).
In the garden
• Once the danger of frosts has passed, plant out ‘hardened’ bedding after preparing the ground. If growing plants in pots it is best to mix multi-purpose compost with John Innes no.2 at a ratio of 2:1. It does increase the cost but modern multi-purpose composts used on their own can dry out very quickly and plants can die / stop flowering earlier in any hot spells. To be on the safe side keep some fleece to hand in case of a late frosty night!
• If you have been growing bulbs in pots continue to water and feed with tomato feed and let the bulbs die down for replanting next year. Alternatively plant them in your borders but keep them watered/ fed until they start to start to die back.
• If you have grown bulbs in the garden, then it may be time to split clumps to encourage better flowering. Water afterwards.
• DO NOT tie daffodil bulb leaves back – yes they are untidy but if you want flowers next year let them die back naturally!
• Keep on top of the weeding by hand weeding and try and avoid treading on wet soil but standing on boards.
• Continue to lower the height of the blades on the lawn mower and start cutting weekly (as the weather allows!) Edge the lawn and, if available, put down lawn feed (READ the instructions!!) There is still time to re-sow any bare patches on the lawn (cover with fleece to protect from birds and water when dry).
• Finish pruning Hydrangeas, and when they’ve finished flowering Forsythias and Ribes (flowering currants). Once they have finished flowering prune Camelias and Magnolias. deadhead Rhododendrons and cut back Aubretia and Penstemons.
• Watch for garden pests and deal with them as appropriate.
• In any (?) hot spells water in the morning at night. It is better to give plants a thorough watering once a week than water daily, as it encourages the roots to go deeper into the soil and cope better with hot conditions. This is especially true for any potted perennial plants or shrubs/ trees bought from the garden centre online.
• Around the third week in May give the ‘Chelsea Chop’ to sedums (Ice plant). It stops the plant ‘flopping’ over