Gardening for wildlife
Posted: Saturday 11th March 2023

Peter Almond
Despite the effects of the Climate Crisis and the impact on a natural world, it is easy to forget that our gardens can be a haven for wildlife.
On 6th March we were treated to an enjoyable and thoughtful talk by Peter Almond on the important part gardeners can play and how some simple changes in the way we garden can help wildlife without having to abandon our gardens to nettles and brambles.
Peter suggested some very easy changes we can all make:
• Grow shrubs that produce berries (to provide food for the birds
• Leaving seed heads on plants over winter (another source of food and a habitat that provides protection for insects)
• Not picking up leaves from borders (again they provide a good habitat for insects)
• Providing water for wildlife – this can be a pond, a pot or even a dust bin lid!)
• Growing plants with simple, open flowers (e.g. Daisies) so the bees can get to the pollen much easier!
• Growing native perennials (e.g. Foxgloves, Geraniums)
• Feeding the birds (and ensuring that feeders are regularly cleaned to prevent disease).
You can find out more information on supporting wildlife in the garden on both the RSPB and the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) website – see links below.