Jobs for April
Posted: Tuesday 9th April 2024

Fuschia - cut back old stems to the ground
In the greenhouse:
- If you been growing plants from seed continue to prick them on to grow in bigger trays / individual pots. Also watch for frosts and protect plants overnight!
In the garden:
Keep an eye on pots of flowers/ bulbs and if the compost is dry water - or they’ll soon suffer! (Given the amount of rain we’ve had this may seem strange but the foliage can often deflect the rain that falls and stop it reaching the compost!)
When the ground is dry enough, sow Annuals outside in prepared ground (or grow in pots/ containers)
When the ground is dry enough mulch borders with homemade composts / manure
Cut back any dead growth on perennial plants and split if required but work off boards if the ground is still wet.
Keep on top of the weeds by hand weeding rather than hoeing.
If your lawn isn’t too wet, you can start cutting the lawn. Always leave the blades higher than usual and gradually reduce them every week. If you cut your grass too short, too quickly it’ll go yellow!
When the grass is dry enough re-sow any bare patches on the lawn (cover with fleece to protect from birds and water when dry)
- Mophead & Lacecap Hydrangeas: remove a third of the oldest stems to the ground to help generate new growth and then cut the remain stems to the top pair of buds.
- Forsythias: after they’ve finished flowering cut back all stems that flowered to a strong bud at the base of the stem and cut a few of the older stems to the base of the plant
- Fuchsias: cut back old stems to the ground (but not if they are being grown as a hedge!)
In the Veg patch
If not already done, put down polythene sheets or cloches to warm soil.
When the soil is dry and warm enough sow beetroot, carrots, Swiss chard, summer cauliflower, brassicas, lettuce, leeks, radish, turnip, spring and pickling onions, peas and perpetual spinach in well-prepared soil.
Chit and then plant out second early potatoes in the first half of the month and maincrop in the second.
- Indoors sow sweet peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, aubergines, celery, celeriac, salads, and globe artichokes.